Katie's & Cole's Wedding 12/12/2021

Here is the highlight video of Katie's and Cole's Wedding 12/12/2021.


Alexis' & Rylan's Wedding 7/10/2021

Here is the full video of their wedding we were hired to do. Below is a playlist of all of the weddings we have done. 

Pavika's First Birthday

We were hired to shoot and edit a video of Pavika's first birthday party with her family. To the right is a highlight video we edited for them. We also have a full video we did for them. 

Hebron High School Choir Concerts 2018 - 2019

We shot Hebron High School choir performances for the 2018-2019 school year. Below is a playlist of the choir concerts we did. We original shot in 1080p (HD) and it was scaled down to 480p (SD) to be copied onto DVDs for staff, students, and families of students.

The Altitude - DIY Denton album promo

We shot and edited the promotional video for The Altitude's EP, "DIY Denton".